Saturday 9 August 2014

I am a really bad blogger!

So since I last updated the site a lot has happened! I know (slaps wrists!) I am bad at blogging!

Where to start...

Firstly Mango had her first litter sired by our lovely boar of the moment Finnegan. They had a lovely litter of three in July (1 sow and 2 boars). All three lovely piglets  have gone to their new homes. Sugar (the sow) went to keep another little pig girl company and our two lovely boy now named Chewbacca (Chewy) & Frodo have gone to live with Lucy in their new home together.  You can follow them on their own blog! Go check it out!
If you look at Popcorn and Finnegan their markings and colourings are almost identical, very awesome but a bit spooky! We've never had any thing like that before.

Sow (Sugar)

Boar 2 (Popcorn)

Boar1 (Caramel)

Secondly both Harper and Horace have left us! Harper went to a family who had a lonely little 10 week old sow in need of some company after her sister had to be put down:( We love it when our guinea pigs make people happy like they make us happy so we were so pleased that we were able to help!

Thirdly our pigs have new digs! We have moved them in to a shed with custom-made cages courtesy of Mr. WestCountryWheekies. However I will do a separate blog post on this so watch this space!   

Lastly we bought a new little pig that belongs to our cousins who live in France but will stay with us for the duration of her life. She is called Nutella or Nutty for short! We haven't taken any photos yet, SHOCK HORROR I know! We will post a photo in the next couple of days, so keep your eyes peeled!

All that's left to say is keep an eye out on our Lunkarya page as we are waiting on some new sows to join our growing group! Excited! Lots happening here so will hopefully post a bit more often!


1 comment:

  1. Hey - great to keep in touch via blogs :)
    Frodo was popcorning yesterday so living up to his previous name (I suspect I may even use it as an occasional nickname for him!).
    Loved your piggies' digs, too...

    L x
