Skinny Pigs

Welcome to our new group of piggies - the Skinny Pigs!

This side branch of our guinea pig family started this Christmas when my boyfriend decided he wanted to get me an 'exciting' Christmas present. I had talked for ages about wanted a Skinny Pig and so he decided that he would find me one (with the help of my mum!). The next day he turned up with his mum, who had gone on the fairly long journey with him to get this little pig. Inside the pet carrier, under the mass of hay and inside a piggy sleeping bag was a little black hippo (or skinny pig) who I promptly named Piglet.

The m'odern' Skinny Pigs originated as a mix between the normal haired guinea pigs and hairless lab guinea pigs, first bred in Canada. Skinnies tend to be born with little or no hair, growing a little more as they get older. This normally occurs on their face and feet/legs. They do have a slightly higher optimum temperature than haired guinea pigs, but are fairly easy to look after, although they cannot live outside!

We do have a heat mat for Piglet, although it only sits under the bottom half of her cage (so she can escape the heat if it gets too hot) and is turned off when the central heating is turned on. The majority of the time  she has her sleeping bag, which she likes to sit it a lot and tends to drag it to where she wants it. However it is just as important to ensure they aren't too hot, as well as too cold!

This is Piglet she is now around 15 weeks old and growing fast. She is very bossy and nibbles your finger when she wants veg (or any food for that matter!) She eats A LOT which apparently is normal. I guess this is important when you have no fur, as it helps to keep her warm!

We have been asked to rehome two more male skinnies, who will arrive within the next couple of days, so WATCH THIS SPACE!
If you have any questions contact us and we will do our best to answer them!

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